John Harmidy Dart classic hits the bullseye
As Colin Hay hit the double 20, sealing the victory for his team made up of Yvon Lacoursiers, Sharon Lazlo, and Pierre Leduc, the annual...
Royal Canadian Legion
CANADA'S LARGEST VETERANS ORGANIZATION Legion is the largest of the many veterans Organizations in Canada with over 358,000 members....
Theresa Killen: Legion 245 mainstay
Theresa Killen, a long time friend of the foundation, and cousin of John Harmidy tells us of her involvement with us. "Because my family...
Wayne Birmingham: The man behind the John Harmidy Sr. dart tournaments
In September 2003, I met James Morrison, founder of "Jimbo's Crusade Against Cancer", when he joined my Monday Knights & Ladies Dart...
John Harmidy: Bringing friends and family together through darts
John Harmidy, a life long Pointe-Claire resident, got the darting bug from his father, at a very early age. John Harmidy Sr. was an...