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The squash marathon was created for purely selfish reasons 20 years ago.


Both my uncle and my father were diagnosed with terminal cancer three months apart in 1997. I felt a need to do something to honor their memory.


Club Southwest One in Pointe-Claire was known as the leader in the squash community, and home for our first couple of years. Club West Island in Beaconsfield would host for 17 years. 


Armed with a $50 budget and a helping hand from Scott Copeland; the inaugural squash marathon was born May 9, 1997.


The squash members went on in helping me play 37 games in an eight hour period. $1200. We all knew we had created something special.


We have had such memorable moments as Dave Phillips,

Anne-Christian Lajoie, Mick Joint, Alexandra Norman and Joshua Schwartz who have been part of Squash Quebec and that of Squash Canada for many years. They have lent us their talents the past 19 years and are so very grateful.


This event has raised close to $75,000.00 since its inception. Although it is not the richest of our events, it is the one that holds closest to our hearts.


Jim Morrison




Jimbo's Squash-a-Thon

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Fundraising Squash a Thon for Charity West Island Montreal

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