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John Harmidy Memorial Dart Tournament

Wayne Birmingham is a dart nut.

Darts is a hand- eye co-ordination game ,  that starts and ends with a handshake, played by males  & females, of all shapes , sizes  and ages. We stand 7’9” from a round target with a scoring area 13” in diameter divided into 20 segments and 2 circles at the center. It teaches us  addition, multiplication and subtraction.

About 20 years ago Jim “Jimbo” Morrison joined his Monday Knights & Ladies Dart League. That was when Wayne learned about Jimbo’s Crusade against Cancer. Jim ran different fundraisers to raise money for support groups for the patients and their families. Wayne decided to do his part by running a dart tournament.

John Harmidy Sr. was a friend, who was well known and greatly respected in the dart community who, after a long battle was lost to cancer. With John for inspiration we ran the first John Harmidy Dart Tournament with the support of his family and many friends. 48 players participated and many people dropped in to support, gathered at the Shakespeare Hall aka “the Buffs “in Lachine. We sold donated homemade chopped egg sandwiches, soup, ½   & ½ tickets, along with the entry fees and a donation from the bar receipts we made $ 1,200.00 for Jim’s cause.


That started our JHT as a yearly event, and as time went on we began running 2 fundraisers a year -  one in the fall and one in the spring. 

It has become a time to come out and reunite with old friends and foes as the teams fight to get their names placed on the memorial plaque with all previous winners. 

Over the years we have found different ways to add to our revenue from shaving heads, raffles, collecting pennies…helps us give the WICAC on average, $ 1,200.00 per tournament.

All this cannot be done without support of friends and family. Many thanks to my Linda, the Harmindy’s, Trevor Honer from Dagwoods, John Jr for his getting us the raffle prizes and help with the running of the  tournament,  Susan Walker and her daughter Jessie who handle the ½ & ½ , raffles,  & food sales, the bar staff .


For more information on this tournament contact Jim


Dart Tournament Details

Dart Tournamant details Below

When:           Saturday April 22, 2017



Dorval Legion-9721 Cote-de-Liesse-H9P 1A3


Team Info:

2 MEN / 2 WOMEN - 1 MAN / 3 W0MEN - 3 MEN / 1 WOMEN - 4 MEN**  OR 4 WOMEN                                                    



1/2 & 1/2



Soup and sandwiches available

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Dart Tournament Donates Money to Charity West Island Montreal


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