John Harmidy Dart classic hits the bullseye
As Colin Hay hit the double 20, sealing the victory for his team made up of Yvon Lacoursiers, Sharon Lazlo, and Pierre Leduc, the annual John Harmidy dart classic reached its climax last night at the Royal Canadian Legion, Dorval Branch 245.
The tournament, in its 24th edition showcased 16 teams of 4, of all different levels, enjoying an afternoon of throwing arrows.
A huge debt of gratitude to John Harmidy who is the face of this tournament for all his efforts. Thank-you to t
he entiry Harmidy family, the Legion, volunteers, and sponsors who made this day so special.
A total of $1,334.30 was raised towards our efforts. Far more important was the involvement of players, regardless of skillset, who met new friends, reacquainted with old, while creating memories to last a lifetime.
Bringing the community together is our biggest strength, and we thank ALL who made this day so special.